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Sepa Direct Debit (SDD)

SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) is a pull-based payment scheme that allows a creditor to debit a debtor's bank account. Similarly to other SEPA transfers, an SDD requires the IBAN (and occasionally the BIC) of both the sender and the recipient's bank accounts. However, it differs from other SEPA transfers in that the roles are reversed: the recipient of the funds is the one who must request the money transfer from the sender.

SEPA Direct Debit is only available in Euros and can be used for both one-off transactions and recurring payments. It is often used for recurrent payments so that customers can avoid missing payments and being charged additional fees.
The debtor must sign a valid SDD mandate to authorize the creditor to withdraw the money from the debtor's account. Additionally, there are other rules governing SDDs, such as pre-notifications, refunds, returns, etc.

Xpollens provides a complete solution to create mandates and manage Sepa Direct Debit (SDD). If you already have a Sepa Creditor ID (SCI), you will be able to use it to direct debit your customer. If not, we can provide you with one within 48 hours.

General sequence diagram


The mandate creation is a prerequesite to create an SDD (see "State diagram for an SDD OUT").

State diagram for a mandate

Status NameStatus Id

Note: Xpollens does not create a document for the mandate. If you want to display a document to your customers, you must create it.

Mandate creation

POST /api/v1.1/users/{appuserId}/mandates

To use this mandate and create and SDD, the mandate must be activated.

Mandate activation

PUT /api/v1.1/users/{appuserId}/mandates/activate

Mandate revocation

Why and when

The mandate can not be modified. As a consequence, if a modification is needed, you must

  • revoke the mandate
  • create a new one


The revocation of the mandate does not cancel already scheduled SDDs.

What happens if the end user revokes the mandate from their external bank?

Xpollens is not aware that all SDDs have been opposed and that the mandate has been revoked.
However, we receive rejections for all direct debit attempts.

Sepa Direct Debit OUT (SDD OUT)

An SDD out is an SDD that debits an external account to credit the Xpollens account.

State diagram for an SDD OUT

Status NameStatus Id

Sequence diagram for an SDD OUT

paymentDate / executionDate

The paymentDate is the payment date expected by the partner (or its enduser) and entered in the request POST.
This date is sent to Base Mandat, which gives us the real date: the executionDate. This information is returned by the GET.

These executionDate can be different from the paymentDate if:

  • the paymentDate is a day during a week-end or a day off. In this case, the executionDate is the next working day.
  • the paymentDate is between today (D) and strictly less than D+3. In this case, the executionDate is automatically the first working day >= {paymentDate + 3 days}.

Note: the paymentDate can not be in the past.

An SDD can only be created a maximum of 14 days before the paymentDate. Therefore, you need to manage the debit schedule on your side to create the SDDs in a timely manner.


To schedule multiple SDDs in parallel for the same mandate, the first SDD must be finalized. This occurs as soon as its status changes to "1."

Sepa Direct Debit IN (SDD IN)

An SDD in is an SDD that debits the Xpollens account to credit an external account. The mandate is owned by the external bank.

Sequence diagram for an SDD IN

State diagram for an SDD IN

Status NameStatus Id

API & technical items

POST /api/v1.1/users/{appuserId}/mandates

uniqueMandateReference (umr): to use for mandate activation and revocation, and for get mandate
id: to use for SDD OUT creation

POST /api/v1.1/users/{userId}/payins/directdebits

orderId: unique reference userId: can only be one of your internal account
amount: cents motif: description visible in the external app

Error for a mandate creation

Use caseHTTP codeCodeResponse
Technical error on our supplier side4001056{"Code": 1056,
"ErrorMessage": "Erreur creation mandat.",
"Title": "L'opération ne peut pas aboutir",
"Priority": 2,
"Date": "2024-05-28T12:56:13.9122356Z",

Error for a SDD OUT creation

Use caseTransactionHTTP codeCodeResponse
orderId already existsNot created400710{"Code": 710,
"ErrorMessage": "Opération déjà existante.",
"Title": "L'opération ne peut pas aboutir",8
"Priority": 2,
"Date": "2024-05-22T14:36:43.3317607Z",
"OperationId": "7bf9a2a1de20f2be1ccb56c89475dd8a"}
Invalid MandateCreated4001025{
"Code": 1025,
"ErrorMessage": "Le status du mandat est invalid",
"Title": "L'opération ne peut pas aboutir",
"Priority": 2,
"Date": "2024-05-22T14:44:21.8696087Z",
"OperationId": "5a2894dfc63eb5e2f94d0f5f2362d961"}
Can not created 2 SDDCreated4001026{
"Code": 1026,
"ErrorMessage": "Une erreur technique est survenue, veuillez réessayer. Si l'erreur persiste, contactez le support client S-money.",
"Title": "Erreur technique",
"Priority": 2,
"Date": "2024-05-22T14:44:21.8696087Z",
"OperationId": "5a2894dfc63eb5e2f94d0f5f2362d961"}
Action not authorizedCreated401362{
"Code": 362,
"ErrorMessage": "Opération non autorisée",
"Title": "",
"Priority": 2,
"Date": "2024-05-22T14:35:52.4521289Z",
"OperationId": "fe02aa2ac8481ec53707dd003aca72be"}
SDD created in the pastNot created400715{"Code": 715,
"ErrorMessage": "Paramètre(s) d'appel invalide(s). Invalid date",
"Title": "L'opération ne peut pas aboutir",
"Priority": 2,
"Date": "2024-05-28T12:47:33.1807154Z",
Limit reachedCreated400149{"Code": 362,
"ErrorMessage": "Plafond de transaction atteint",
"Title": "Opération non autorisée",
"Priority": 2,
"Date": "2024-05-28T12:47:33.1807154Z",
Insufficient balanceCreated400362{"Code": 362,
"ErrorMessage": "Opération non autorisée",
"Title": "",
"Priority": 2,
"Date": "2024-05-28T12:47:33.1807154Z",

Error for a mandate revocation

Use caseHTTP codeCodeResponse
Revocation in the futur4001{"Code": 1,
"ErrorMessage": "Une erreur technique est survenue, veuillez réessayer. Si l’erreur persiste, contactez le support client S-money. The mandate is just allowed to be revoked in the current date.",
"Title": "Erreur technique",
"Priority": 2,
"Date": "2024-05-28T12:57:56.1073723Z",
"OperationId": "ef85ecfe6c6f83a48115046f930f86b4"}


Some direct debit transactions require exception handling, because one of the parties involved does not or cannot process the collection in the normal way. This exception handling involves the sending of messages called R-transactions because their names all start with an R: Refusals, Rejects, Returns, Refunds, Reversals. The definitions of the various SDD R-transactions are outlined this document :

General scheme

Reject example: account closed Refusal by debtor example: the user debited by the SDD OUT refused

Reversal by creditor example: external bank debit error. Return example: insufficient balance

General sequence diagram

In the case of a reject or a refusal the day or after the paymentDate, a new operation is created: this operation is named R-transaction. Each of these two operations has an independent status diagram, but the R-transaction is linked to the original operation through the field refundReference.

Case refund after the payment date

The refund operation has a status 1.


No callback is sent for the refund operation.

As a result, when refundReference is not empty, you must perform a GET request on the refund operation to retrieve the details.

Case reject or refusal after the payment date

The refund operation has a status 1.


No callback is sent for the refund operation.

As a result, when refundReference is not empty, you must perform a GET request on the refund operation to retrieve the details.

In this case, Xpollens can not refuse to reimburse the external bank.

sepaReasonCode & sepaReason

These attributes are visible in callbacks 18 and 19. They are filled when the SDD is refused and a R-transaction

Please referee to this link, page 5, to find all code, definition and associated use cases.


FAQ 1 : Can we refuse an SDD IN?

Currently, Xpollens platform can not refuse an SDD IN.

FAQ 2 : How to simulate an SDD IN?

Ask your Customer Integration Manager to create one.