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Sepa Credit Transfer (SCT)

SCT transfer is used to send money to a beneficiary defined by an IBAN. You can also define recurring SCT, plan them or ask for its refund.

SEPA zone

The SEPA region consists of 36 European countries, including several countries which are not part of the euro area or the European Union. Also are included all French overseas areas. More information here :

Create a beneficiary

This endpoint is used to create and associate an external beneficiary account in order to perfom a Sepa Out operation. The BIC and IBAN should be used to create the beneficiary.


No callback is sent when the beneficiary is created.


Initiate an SCT OUT

States diagram

Status & balance

Approved : Only the authorization balance is debited,Completed : Both accounting balance and authorisation balance are debitedRejected : Funds are on the accountCanceled : Funds are on the account

SCT OUT succeeded

POST /api/v2.0/sepa-credit-transfers

Callback "SepaCreditTransferCreatedOrUpdated"

SCT OUT Rejected

SCT OUT Rejected during the controls performed by the SEPA microservice

SCT OUT Rejected during the controls performed by the Payment Decision System

SCT OUT Rejected by the external bank

Error during the POST /api/v2.0/sepa-credit-transfers

Status HTTPError codeReasonDefinitionIs the SCT created?
400715ERR_BENEFECIARY_NOT_FOUNDBeneficiary not foundnot created
404147ERR_USER_NOTFOUNDUser does not existenot created
400149Plafond de transaction atteintlimit reachednot created

SEPA Reject Code, if not R-transaction

In the case the SCT is refused, the attribute sepaRejectCode provides some details about the rejection reason.

These reasons are listed in the documentation

SCT OUT Canceled

Receive an SCT IN

States diagram

SCT IN sequence diagram

Callback "SepaCreditTransferCreatedOrUpdated"

R-transaction for Sepa Credit Transfer

Recall SCT OUT

How the partner can do a recall > Zendesk ticket to Xpollens' banking production department


  • Account credited


  • Account not debited

Recall SCT IN

Recall request from an external bank processed by our banking production department


  • Account debited


  • Account not debited

How to test

Create a beneficiary


Only the ibans of unmocked environment pass the Luhn key checks and can be used.

POST /api/v2.0/sca/users/{appUserId}/beneficiary

"displayName": "Compte Xpollens 1",
"iban": "FR7616528001310000000321058",
"bic": "SMOEFRP1",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"companyName": "Xpollens",
"zipCode": "75001",
"email": "",
"phoneNumber": "0123456789"


"id": 1055663,
"beneficiaryId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"displayName": "Compte Xpollens 1",
"bic": "SMOEFRP1",
"iban": "FR7616528001310000000321058",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"companyName": "Xpollens",
"zipCode": "75001",
"email": "",
"phoneNumber": "0123456789",
"creationDate": "2024-10-11T08:27:13.16Z",
"modificationDate": "2024-10-11T08:27:13.16Z"


    "Payload": {
"Header": {
"AuthenticationId": "53b66cfc-ead2-4f23-910e-3d5b95fd0b1b",
"Type": 36,
"AppUserId": "appUserId",
"AuthenticationResultDate": "2024-10-11T07:58:45+00:00",
"RequestProcessDate": "2024-10-11T08:27:13.16+00:00",
"RequestResponseCode": 201,
"RequestDate": "2024-10-11T07:58:46.621378+00:00",
"Status": "Succeeded",
"Reason": null
"Payload": "{\"id\":1170641,\"beneficiaryId\":\"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx\",\"displayName\":\"Compte Xpollens 1\",\"bic\":\"SMOEFRP1\",\"iban\":\"FR7616528001310000000321058\",\"companyName\":\"Xpollens\",\"creationDate\":\"2024-10-11T08:27:13.16Z\",\"modificationDate\":\"2024-10-11T08:27:13.16Z\"}"

Initiate a SCT OUT

POST /api/v2.0/sepa-credit-transfers

"sepaCreditTransferId": "partnerOperationId123",
"accountId": "YourAccountId",
"creditor": {
"beneficiaryId": "YourBeneficiaryId"
"amount": {
"value": "25.11",
"currency": "EUR"
"description": "Sending money with Xpollens",
"reference": "PartnerInternalReference",
"expectedExecutionDate": "2024-10-09T13:54:50.5317369+00:00"

Receive a SCT IN

POST /v1.1/users/{{appUserId}}/sct/in/registration

"amountRequest": {
"value": "20.00", // amount
"currency": "EUR"
"executionDate": "2024-07-18T15:06:56.619276+02:00",
"externalBankAccountModel": {
"thirdPartyIban": "FR7616528000510000001751068",
"thirdPartyBIC": "SMOEFRP1",
"thirdPartyFullName": "John Doe"
"partnerOperationId": "310a8513-fa13-43cb-bb2b-2f7e49112315_20240719_1",
"message": "Sending money through SCT",
"motif": "Sending money with Xpollens"


FAQ1: What is the SCT description sent to the SEPA interbank area and visible in the external application ?

The attribute named description is the one sent to the SEPA interbank area and visible in the external application.

The reference attribute, on the other hand, is only visible to you and not shared externally.

In some cases, the external application may not display the description. Unfortunately, this is beyond our control.

FAQ2: How long does it take to receive an SCT?

SCTs are typically received within 2 working days.

FAQ3: Is a callback received when a beneficiary is created?

Our application does not have a dedicated callback for beneficiary creations. The information is sent through the SCA webhook (36).