Instant Payment (IP)
Create a beneficiary
Before being able to perform an instant transfer, it is necessary to add the transfer recipient to one's list of beneficiaries.
The Create a beneficiary endpoint is used in order to create and associate an external beneficiary account in order to perfom a Sepa Out operation.
- The BIC (Bank Identifier Code) is optionnal to add a beneficiary.
- The IBAN (International Bank Account Number) is mandatory to create the beneficiary
The following sequence diagram shows the API workflow to add a beneficiary :
When the add beneficiary feature is triggered by a manual action from an end user, it is mandatory to use the sca route to add a beneficiary as user authentication is required for security / compliance reasons.
::: note API reference
Initiate an IP OUT
State diagram
IP OUT succeeded
POST /api/v3.0/sepa-instant-payments
Callback "InstantPaymentCreatedOrUpdated"
Succeeded during the post sepa-instant-payments Check Eligibility
Synchrone reponse
Succeeded during the process between Xpollens and BPCE PS
Asynchrone reponse
IP OUT failed
Failed during the post sepa-instant-payments
Status HTTP | Error code | Reason | Definition |
400 | 715 | ERR_API_PARAMETER_INVALID | Non éligble à l'ip |
404 | 147 | ERR_USER_NOTFOUND | * |
404 | 302 | ERR_IBAN_NOT_FOUND | * |
201 | Created | ||
Failed during the process between Xpollens and BPCE PS
Status | SepaRejectCode | sepaRejectReason |
Rejected | 500 | Reason not communicated, please contact Xpollens |
Rejected | AB05 | Transaction stopped due to timeout at the creditor agent |
Rejected | AB06 | Transaction stopped due to timeout at the Instructed Agent |
Rejected | AB07 | Agent of message is not online. Generic usage if it cannot be determined who exactly is not online |
Rejected | AB08 | Creditor Agent is not online |
Rejected | AB09 | Transaction stopped due to error at the Creditor Agent |
Rejected | AB10 | Transaction stopped due to error at the Instructed Agent |
Rejected | AC01 | Account identifier invalid or incorrect (i.e. invalid IBAN or account number does not exist) |
Rejected | AC04 | Account closed |
Rejected | AC06 | Account blocked |
Rejected | AG01 | Credit transfer forbidden on this account |
Rejected | AAM02 | Not allowed amount |
Rejected | AM04 | Insufficient funds on the account |
Rejected | AM05 | Duplicate payment |
Rejected | AM09 | Wrong amount |
Rejected | CNOR | Beneficiary bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM |
Rejected | FF01 | Operation/transaction code |
Rejected | FRAD | Fraudulent originated (instant) credit transfer |
Rejected | ISSUE-DISPCHECK-TIMEOUT-RESPONSE | Timeout on PSP communication, please retry |
Rejected | MS01 | Reason not specified |
Rejected | MS02 | By order of the Beneficiary |
Rejected | MS03 | Reason not specified, please contact Xpollens |
Rejected | RR02 | Missing Debtor’s Name Or Address |
Rejected | RR04 | Regulatory Reason |
Rejected | TM01 | Time-out – maximum execution time has been exceeded |
Receive an IP IN
Xpollens is eligible to instant payment.
Recall IP
Recall IP OUT
How the partner can do a recall > Zendesk ticket to Xpollens' banking production department
- Account credited
Callback "InstantPaymentCreatedOrUpdated"
- Account not debited
Callback "InstantPaymentCreatedOrUpdated"
Recall IP IN
Recall request from an external bank processed by our banking production department
- Account debited
Callback "InstantPaymentCreatedOrUpdated"
- Account not debited
How to test
/!\ Only the ibans of unmocked environment pass the Luhn key checks and can be used.
POST /api/v2.0/users/{appUserId}/beneficiary
"displayName": "Compte Xpollens 1",
"iban": "FR7630001007941234567890185",
"bic": "SMOEFRP1",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"companyName": "Xpollens",
"zipCode": "75001",
"email": "",
"phoneNumber": "0123456789"
"beneficiaryId": "YourBeneficiaryId",
POST /api/v3.0/sepa-instant-payments
"sepaInstantPaymentId": "Ip-out-1",
"accountId": "account-partner-reference",
"creditor": {
"beneficiaryId": "YourBeneficiaryId"
"amount": {
"value": "5.00",
"currency": "EUR"
"reference": "Reference-Ip-Out",
"description": "Ip-Out-Description"
Simulator to come, to create cases ask your Customer Integration Manager.
Simulator to come, to create cases ask your Customer Integration Manager.
Coming soon