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Instant Payment (IP)

Create a beneficiary

Before being able to perform an instant transfer, it is necessary to add the transfer recipient to one's list of beneficiaries.

The Create a beneficiary endpoint is used in order to create and associate an external beneficiary account in order to perfom a Sepa Out operation.

  • The BIC (Bank Identifier Code) is optionnal to add a beneficiary.
  • The IBAN (International Bank Account Number) is mandatory to create the beneficiary

The following sequence diagram shows the API workflow to add a beneficiary :


When the add beneficiary feature is triggered by a manual action from an end user, it is mandatory to use the sca route to add a beneficiary as user authentication is required for security / compliance reasons.

::: note API reference

Initiate an IP OUT

State diagram

IP OUT succeeded

POST /api/v3.0/sepa-instant-payments

Callback "InstantPaymentCreatedOrUpdated"

Succeeded during the post sepa-instant-payments Check Eligibility

Synchrone reponse

Succeeded during the process between Xpollens and BPCE PS

Asynchrone reponse

IP OUT failed

Failed during the post sepa-instant-payments

Status HTTPError codeReasonDefinition
400715ERR_API_PARAMETER_INVALIDNon éligble à l'ip

Failed during the process between Xpollens and BPCE PS

Rejected500Reason not communicated, please contact Xpollens
RejectedAB05Transaction stopped due to timeout at the creditor agent
RejectedAB06Transaction stopped due to timeout at the Instructed Agent
RejectedAB07Agent of message is not online. Generic usage if it cannot be determined who exactly is not online
RejectedAB08Creditor Agent is not online
RejectedAB09Transaction stopped due to error at the Creditor Agent
RejectedAB10Transaction stopped due to error at the Instructed Agent
RejectedAC01Account identifier invalid or incorrect (i.e. invalid IBAN or account number does not exist)
RejectedAC04Account closed
RejectedAC06Account blocked
RejectedAG01Credit transfer forbidden on this account
RejectedAAM02Not allowed amount
RejectedAM04Insufficient funds on the account
RejectedAM05Duplicate payment
RejectedAM09Wrong amount
RejectedCNORBeneficiary bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM
RejectedFF01Operation/transaction code
RejectedFRADFraudulent originated (instant) credit transfer
RejectedISSUE-DISPCHECK-TIMEOUT-RESPONSETimeout on PSP communication, please retry
RejectedMS01Reason not specified
RejectedMS02By order of the Beneficiary
RejectedMS03Reason not specified, please contact Xpollens
RejectedRR02Missing Debtor’s Name Or Address
RejectedRR04Regulatory Reason
RejectedTM01Time-out – maximum execution time has been exceeded

Receive an IP IN

Xpollens is eligible to instant payment.

Recall IP

Recall IP OUT

How the partner can do a recall > Zendesk ticket to Xpollens' banking production department



Recall IP IN

Recall request from an external bank processed by our banking production department



  • Account not debited

How to test


/!\ Only the ibans of unmocked environment pass the Luhn key checks and can be used.

POST /api/v2.0/users/{appUserId}/beneficiary

"displayName": "Compte Xpollens 1",
"iban": "FR7630001007941234567890185",
"bic": "SMOEFRP1",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"companyName": "Xpollens",
"zipCode": "75001",
"email": "",
"phoneNumber": "0123456789"


"beneficiaryId": "YourBeneficiaryId",

POST /api/v3.0/sepa-instant-payments

"sepaInstantPaymentId": "Ip-out-1",
"accountId": "account-partner-reference",
"creditor": {
"beneficiaryId": "YourBeneficiaryId"
"amount": {
"value": "5.00",
"currency": "EUR"
"reference": "Reference-Ip-Out",
"description": "Ip-Out-Description"


Simulator to come, to create cases ask your Customer Integration Manager.


Simulator to come, to create cases ask your Customer Integration Manager.


Coming soon