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Strong Customer Authentication

The strong anthentification is needed for some sensitive actions.

Important note:

Strong Authentication Enrollment

Xpollens offers two kind of usage that require the use of a mobile phone by the customer:

  1. KYC process during the user’s onboarding (please refer to Know your customer | Xpollens API docs)
  2. Strong authentication process (please refer to Strong customer authentication | Xpollens API docs)

Authentication is required for your end-customers if you are on the Retail B2C market ; it is also required for all key individuals of your professional customers, if you are on the Corporates B2B market. Strong Customer Authentication will occur in two situations :

  1. Online card payment
  2. Sensitive Operations (amongst which, some require secure display)

This document aims at presenting the key elements to use these features.

The first step consists of integrating our SDK in your mobile application.

SDK’s documentation is available at :

To access this online documentation, you shall use the ID / pwd provided by Xpollens, during your Onboarding process.*

Check mobile eligibility

Wallet initialization

To access this online documentation, you shall use the ID / pwd provided by Xpollens, during your Onboarding process. Getting Started Wallet Management

Wallet initialization

The Customer Authentication is based on Authentication Patterns, which define the possible combinations of authentication methods to authenticate for a given operation. The authentication pattern used by Xpollens when creating the wallet is « BIOORPIN ».

For more details, please refer to : sca intro

APIs, callbacks & technical items

Callback #34

Callback #34

Callback #35

Callback #35