A topup card is a way for your customer to credit money on their account directly from a debit/credit card. There are different methods to do a topup.
Refere to this page for the functionnal overview:
Top-up state diagram
Statut code | Status name |
0 | Approved |
1 | Completed |
2 | Refunded |
3 | Rejected |
General rules
A top-up amount must be between 1€ and 1000€ (excluded).
A user cannot make more than 5 top-ups within a 48-hour period.
You cannot load an account with a card belonging to that account.
Create a top-up
Top-up types
There are 4 possibilities for the top-up:
- create a top-up without card registration.
The card information will have to be filled in again the next time a topup is done. - create a top-up with card registration.
This first top-up is necessary for one-click top-ups. - create a one-click top-up.
this is possible only if the card is registred. In this case, the card information was registred during the first top-up, and is not needed during the one-click top-up. Only the 3DS validation remains to be done. - creation of a subscription, or recurrent top-up
Enabling the card to be saved and not having to validate it on the 3DS the next time it is loaded: it is called "recurrent"
The one-click top-up is customer-initiated.
Subscription top-up, on the other hand, is reserved exclusively for the partner initiative, for example to take expenses or a subscription. It is forbidden to use it on a customer's initiative, in order to dispense with 3DS. For all customer-initiated top-ups, the 3DS is mandatory.
Hosted fields
To create a top-up, you need to implement the Dalenys hosted fields.
Please refere to this documentation:
Mor details about brandselector here:
Top-up sequence diagram
Get an HF token
To proceed, you first need to retrieve a token.
You have two options for obtaining the HFToken
- Use the integrated payment HTML page provided by Dalenys.
- Utilize the provided API to generate the token programmatically.
The response payload contains two key pieces of information:
- the
, - the
Both of these values must be included in the input when creating the top-up.
3DS top-up with / without card registration
If the user wants to save the card information, the attribute Card
is not null.
In this case, for the next top-up:
- the user will not have to fill in the card information
- the user will still need to validate the 3DS
Case 1: without card registration
POST /api/v1.1/payins/cardpayments
- the
is not filled
"OrderId": "{{orderId_TOPUP_1}}",
"UrlReturn": "",
"Payer": {
"Name": "Jean DUPONT",
"Email": "",
"UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 CK={} (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko",
"UrlReferrer": "",
"IpAddress": ""
"subscriptionTopUp": false,
"Card": {
"TermsAndConditionsValidationDate": "2022-05-17T17:00:48.0255806+01:00",
"Payments": [
"OrderId": "payment_{{orderId_TOPUP_1}}",
"Amount": 100, //cents
"Fee": 0, // cents
"Beneficiary": {
"AppAccountId": "{{accountId}}"
Case 2: with card registration
Same request, with the AppCardId
POST /api/v1.1/payins/cardpayments
"Card": {
"HFToken": "xxx",
"AppCardId": "CB_Test",
One-click payment (with 3DS validation)
The card must already be registered.
To create a top up oneclick, you must, in the body of the request, add and fill in the AppCardId
parameter instead of the HFToken
parameter. This will allow you to directly call the previously registered bank card.
POST /api/v1.1/payins/cardpayments
"Card": {
"AppCardId": "CB_Test",
"subscriptionTopUp": false
With subscription (one-click without 3DS validation)
The card must already be registered.
1st request
- 3DS validation
POST /api/v1.1/payins/cardpayments
"card": {
"HFToken": "xxx"
"AppCardId": "CB_Test",
"Payments": [
"Beneficiary": {
"AppAccountId": "{{accountId}}"
**Next request**
- no
, only theAppCardId
- no 3DS validation
- the
must be the same as then one used for the first request
POST /api/v1.1/payins/cardpayments
"card": {
"AppCardId": "CB_Test"
"subscriptionTopUp": true
"Payments": [
"Beneficiary": {
"AppAccountId": "{{accountId}}"
Top-up life cycle
Etape | Definition | --- | Response |
1 | Creation of the authorisation at Xpollens side | Prerequesite: - request is correct. - Xpollens controls are OK. | post/v1.1/payins/cardpayments -> Response 200 |
2 | 3DS authentication | If KO, callback 1 {status 3} | |
3 | Creation of the authorisation on the Payplug side. | If OK, callback 1 {status: 1}. If KO, callback 1 {status: 3} |
Erros Code: response 400
Name | Type |
When Hftoken is not filled | {"Code": 354, "ErrorMessage": "Erreur module de rechargement", "Title": "", "Priority": 2} |
When card is already registrered | { "Code": 717, "ErrorMessage": "CardId déjà existant.", "Title": "L'opération ne peut pas aboutir", "Priority": 2} |
When OrderId already exists | { "Code": 710, "ErrorMessage": "OrderId déjà existant.", "Title": "L'opération ne peut pas aboutir", "Priority": 2} |
When the card is not found | { "Code": 195, "ErrorMessage": "Carte de crédit introuvable", "Title": "L'opération ne peut pas aboutir", "Priority": 2} |
When Payer name is not filled | { "Code": 177, "ErrorMessage": "Valeur de paramètre invalide ('Name' ne doit pas être vide.)", "Title": "L'opération ne peut pas aboutir", "Priority": 2} |
When Amount is not filled | { "Code": 178, "ErrorMessage": "Les paramètres suivants sont invalides : cardPaymentRequestDto.Payments[0].Amount.", "Title": "L'opération ne peut pas aboutir", "Priority": 2} |
When AppAcountId is not filled | { "Code": 149, "ErrorMessage": "Plafond de transaction atteint", "Title": "Opération non autorisée" } |
When the appCardId is not registered for the accountId (error 404) | { "Code": 195, "ErrorMessage": "Carte de crédit introuvable", "Title": "L'opération ne peut pas aboutir"} |
ExecCode: Execution Code
The ExecCode translates the status of the CB loading at the PayPlug level and the 3DS validation.
The GET {{URLT}}/v1.1/users/{appUserId}/payins/cardpayments/{orderId} retrieves details.
The execution codes are organized with different ranges:
- 0XXX operation succeeded or still processing
- 4XXX operation rejected because of the bank or the supplier
- 5XXX operation rejected because of a system error
- 6XXX operation rejected because of anti-fraud engine
CODE | Message | Top-up status |
0000 | Successful operation | 1 |
0001 | 3-D Secure authentication required | 0 |
4001 | Transaction declined by the banking network | 3 |
4002 | Insufficient funds | 3 |
4003 | Card declined by the banking network | 3 |
4004 | The transaction has been abandoned | 3 |
4005 | Fraud suspicion | 3 |
4009 | 3DSecure authentication abandoned or expired | 3 |
4010 | Invalid transaction | 3 |
4011 | Duplicated transaction | 3 |
4012 | Invalid card data | 3 |
4013 | Transaction not allowed by banking network for this holder | 3 |
4014 | Non 3-D Secure-enrolled card | 3 |
4015 | Expired transaction | 3 |
4016 | Transaction declined by the payment terminal | 3 |
4017 | Form expiration (as planed by the merchant) | 3 |
4018 | Recurring payment revocated for this card holder | 3 |
4019 | The bank will decline further transactions from this card | 3 |
4020 | Strong customer authentication required by issuer | 3 |
4021 | Operation not allowed / not supported | 3 |
5001 | Exchange protocol failure | 3 |
5002 | Banking network error | 3 |
5003 | System under maintenance, please try again later | 3 |
5004 | Time out, the response will be sent to the notification URL (only applicable for Visa / MasterCard direct connection) | 3 |
5005 | 3-D Secure authentication error | 3 |
5006 | Unexpected bank response | 3 |
6001 | Transaction declined by the merchant | 3 |
6002 | Transaction declined | 3 |
6003 | The cardholder has already disputed a transaction | 3 |
6004 | Transaction declined by merchant and/or platform rules | 3 |
6005 | Card not enrolled or 3-D secure unavailable | 3 |
6006 | Blocked payment method | 3 |
6007 | Operation prohibited by the bank networks | 3 |
6008 | Card holder has already declared transaction as fraudulent | 3 |
API, callbacks and technical items
POST /api/v1.1/payins/cardpayments
TermsAndConditionsValidationDate: date/time UTC+3
date: date/time UTC+2
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
Message | string | false | - | Obsolete |
OrderId | string | true | - | transaction Id |
UrlReturn | string | false | - | URL to redirect your enduser after the top-up |
Status | integer | false | - | Obsolete, don't use |
TermsAndConditions ValidationDate | date-time | true | yyyy-mm-ddT1hh:mm:ss.xxxxxxx | Top-up date | | string | true | - | First Name & Last name of the payer | | string | true | - | Obsolete, use your enduser's email address |
Payer.userAgent | string | true | - | Obsolete, use "{partnerName} Browser" |
Payer.urlReferrer | string | true | - | Obsolete, use your website address |
Payer.ipAddress | string | true | - | Ip address of the user (ipv4 or v6) |
Card.HfToken | string | false - depending of the use case | - | Hf token previously created |
Card.AppCardId | string | false - depending of the use case | Existing card | Token of the card used for the top-up |
Card.SelectedBrand | string | true | Value returned in the HFTOKEN | Card brand used for the top-up |
Card.Status | integer | false | - | Obsolete |
Card.Hint | Obsolete | false | - | Obsolete |
Card.ExpiryDate | string | false | - | Obsolete |
Card.IsActive | string | false | - | Obsolete |
Payments.OrderId | string | true | - | Obsolete, use payment_orderId |
Payments.Amount | string | true | - | Amount in cents |
Payments.Fee | string | false | - | Obsolete, use the P2P post to debit fees |
Payments. Beneficiary.AppAccountId | string | true | Existing account for the appUserId | appAccountId to credit |
Payments.Message | string | false | - | Obsolete |
Payments.Statut | string | false | - | Obsolete |
SubscriptionTopUp | string | false | true/false | Subscription for a topup |
Get a top-up
By orderid
GET /api/v1.1/users/{userid}/payins/cardpayments/{id}
date: date/time UTC+2
Response code 200
Name | Type | To use | Value | Description |
Message | string | Yes | - | Obsolete |
OrderId | string | Yes | - | transaction Id |
UrlReturn | string | Yes | - | URL to redirect your enduser after the top-up |
Status | integer | Yes | - | Obsolete, don't use | | string | Yes | - | First Name & Last name of the payer | | string | Yes | - | Obsolete |
Payer.userAgent | string | Yes | - | Obsolete |
Payer.urlReferrer | string | Yes | - | Obsolete |
Payer.ipAddress | string | Yes | - | Enduser Ip address |
Card.AppCardId | string | Yes | Given name to the used card | Token of the card used for the top-up |
Card.Status | integer | no | 0 | Obsolete |
Card.Hint | Obsolete | no | - | Obsolete |
Card.ExpiryDate | string | no | - | Obsolete |
Card.IsActive | string | no | - | Obsolete |
SelectedBrand | string | Yes | CB / MASTERCARD/ VISA | Card brand used for the top-up |
Payments.OrderId | string | no | - | Obsolete, use orderId |
Payments.Amount | string | Yes | - | Amount of the top-up |
Payments.Fee | string | no | 0.0 | Obsolete, use the P2P post to debit fees |
Payments. Beneficiary.AppAccountId | string | Yes | Existing account for the appUserId | appAccountId to credit |
Payments.Message | string | no | null | Obsolete |
Payments.Statut | string | no | 0 | Obsolete |
ExtraResult.TransactionId | string | no | - | Obsolete |
ExtraResult.ExecCode | string | Yes | - | excution code on Payplug side |
ExtraResult.Message | string | Yes | - | Translation of the ExecCode |
ExtraResult.Currency | string | no | null | Obsolete |
ExtraResult.ThreeDSecure | string | no | null | Obsolete |
ExtraResult.ThreeDSAuthenticationStatus | string | no | null | Obsolete |
extraResult.AuthorizationNumber | string | no | null | Obsolete |
extraResult.CardNetwork | string | no | null | Obsolete |
extraResult.CardValidityDate | string | no | null | Obsolete |
extraResult.CardCountry | string | no | null | Obsolete |
extraResult.CardFullname | string | no | null | Obsolete |
extraResult.CardThreeDSecureEnrolled | string | no | null | Obsolete |
extraResult.ThreeDSecureVersion | string | no | 0 | Obsolete |
extraResult.ThreeDSGlobalStatus | string | no | null | Obsolete |
extraResult.Version | string | no | null | Obsolete |
extraResult.CardType | string | no | null | Obsolete |
TermsAndConditions ValidationDate | date-time | Yes | yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.xxxxxxx | Same value than the post |
Date | date-time | Yes | true/false | UTC (FR) |
refunds | string | false | - | Details of the refund |
Get All top-up
GET /api/v1.1/users/{userid}/payins/cardpayments
When The GET /api/v1.1/users/{userid}/payins/cardpayments
API is called without additional parameters (startDate
, endDate)
it will return the user top-ups starting 30 days before the current date until the current date.
The maximum timeframe between startDate
and endDate
is 31 days
If the timeframe exceeds 31 days then an exception (http/400) will be raised by the API.
"code": 1,
"errorMessage": "Unknown technical error, please contact Xpollens support. Max date range allowed is 31 days.",
"title": "Technical error",
"priority": 2,
"date": "2024-06-17T15:04:39.3684193Z",
"operationId": "f7903cd3b34ef856bfdf493d4ad65f9f",
"httpStatusCode": 400
Refund a top-up
Top-up reimbursement may be total or partial.
This reimbursement allows you to return to the original situation in terms of creditlimit, as if the initial operation had not taken place.
Post refund
POST /api/v1.1/users/{userid}/payins/cardpayments/{orderId}/payments/{paymentid}/refunds
where orderId = orderId of the original transaction
and paymentId = paymentId of the original transaction
Name | Type | Required | Restriction | Description |
id | string | Obsolete | Obsolete | Obsolete |
amount | string | Mandatory | - Cents - Can not be higher than the original amount | Amount of the refund |
fee | string | Obsolete | Obsolete | Obsolete |
orderId | string | Mandatory | Unique orderId | Your orderId for the refund |
status | string | Obsolete | - | Obsolete |
Note: If the cancellation is made on the same day, before the merchant discount, then there is only one transaction, with the status Refund.
In the opposite case, two operations will exist: the original operation with Completed status, and the Refund operation with status Completed and Rtransaction = true
Name | Type | To use | Value | Description |
Id | string | no | Obsolete | Xpollens internal transaction id |
OrderId | string | Yes | - | transaction orderId |
Amount | string | Yes | XX.XX | Amount € |
Fee | string | no | Obsolete | Obsolete |
Status | string | Yes | 1 | refund status completed |
PaymentDate | string | Yes | UTC+3 | date of the refund |
OriginalPayment.Id | string | no | Obsolete | Obsolete |
OriginalPayment.OrderId | string | Yes | - | initial top-up |
OriginalPayment.Href | string | no | Obsolete | Obsolete |
Type | string | no | 1 | Obsolete |
Error codes
Name | Type |
Insufficient balance | { "Code": 110, "ErrorMessage": "Votre solde est insuffisant pour effectuer ce virement. Veuillez saisir un autre montant.", "Title": "Opération non autorisée", "Priority": 2, "Date": "2024-04-25T09:39:57.3326109Z", "OperationId": "2cb1cd79829d041fe2fd0c4c5274ce03"} |
Status of the top-up is not "Completed" | { "Code": 364, "ErrorMessage": "Opération invalide", "Title": "L'opération ne peut pas aboutir", "Priority": 2, "Date": "2024-04-25T09:46:57.8817933Z", "OperationId": "7b2e38c3ac31db9d1256aea67f7b7b7f"} |
Refund orderId already exists | { "Code": 364, "ErrorMessage": "Opération invalide", "Title": "L'opération ne peut pas aboutir", "Priority": 2, "Date": "2024-04-25T09:46:57.8817933Z", "OperationId": "7b2e38c3ac31db9d1256aea67f7b7b7f"} |
Refund amount = 0 | { "Code": 704, "ErrorMessage": "Paramètre(s) d'appel manquant(s) ({0}). amount is invalid", "Title": "L'opération ne peut pas aboutir", "Priority": 2, "Date": "2024-05-15T13:50:27.452768Z", "OperationId": "bcb194d1af237f8bab8c1697c41bf67c"} |
Sum of refunds > initial transaction amount | { "Code": 706, "ErrorMessage": "Le montant du remboursement dépasse le montant de l'opération originale.", "Title": "L'opération ne peut pas aboutir", "Priority": 2, "Date": "2024-05-15T13:48:34.9307117Z", "OperationId": "74204d2cabbcdac8293458f5a0a07404"} |
Top-up already refunds through Payplug BackOffice | { "Code": 707, "ErrorMessage": "{0}", "Title": "L'opération ne peut pas aboutir", "Priority": 2, "Date": "2024-05-07T15:26:20.9242088Z", "OperationId": "1ff1458942d8c1f1914cfe27640abf4e"} |
Transaction already refunded totally | { "Code": 708, "ErrorMessage": "Statut du paiement incohérent", "Title": "L'opération ne peut pas aboutir", "Priority": 2, "Date": "2024-04-25T09:43:53.2930334Z", "OperationId": "57591d396a793b2156053840cec15ee8"} |
How to test
1- Get a HF TOKEN
On test environments, you can either use the integrated payment HTML page provided by Dalenys or use the following API to get an HFToken
with the following parameters (x-www-form-urlencoded
) :
APIKEYID=<provided on demand>
cUrl example
curl -X POST -k -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-i '' \
Response code
"EXECCODE": "0000",
"MESSAGE": "Operation succeeded.",
"HFTOKEN": "7016e7df-04ef-4c92-83e2-8c5d1155c2b6",
"CARDCODE": "446421XXXXXX0001",
"BINTYPE": "Consumer",
2- Create a top_up with
POST {{URLT}}/v1.1/payins/cardpayments
"OrderId": "{{orderId_TOPUP_1}}",
"UrlReturn": "",
"Payer": {
"Name": "Jean DUPONT",
"Email": "",
"UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 CK={} (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko",
"UrlReferrer": "",
"IpAddress": ""
"subscriptionTopUp": false,
"Card": {
"AppCardId": "CB_{{orderId_TOPUP_1}}",
"SelectedBrand": "VISA"
"TermsAndConditionsValidationDate": "2022-05-17T17:00:48.0255806+01:00",
"Payments": [
"OrderId": "payment_{{orderId_TOPUP_1}}",
"Amount": 100, //cents
"Fee": 0, // cents
"Beneficiary": {
"AppAccountId": "{{accountId}}"
3- Validate 3DS
On postman, click on visualize > Inspect vizualisation > copy link address
Paste it in your browser.
Validate 3DS.
4- Create a refund
POST {{URLT}}/V1.1/users/{{accountId}}/payins/cardpayments/{{orderIdTOPUP_1}}/payments/payment{{orderId_TOPUP_1}}/refunds
"orderid" : "orderId_refund",
"amount" : {amount} //cents
When the alphatests are launched, the Payplug library and url configurations need to be modified. Ask your Customer Integration Manager.
Can I access to the Payplug backoffice?
No, you don't have access. Only xpollens employees have access.
After a top-up, how to redirect my enduser from the 3DS page to the application.
You need to fill the UrlReturn
in the post.
Can I customise the 3DS page?
No, you can only modify the logo and the merchant name.
I can't find my top-ups
The GET /api/v1.1/users/{userid}/payins/cardpayments
has some limitations regarding the timeframe and the maximum number of records it can return.
Please see the note here for more detailed information : Get All top-ups
Can we have top-ups without 3DS
- if the subscription mode is used
- for B2B cards